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Contentbox headline
Words Description
!buypremium Buy 30 days premium for the account you're on.
!buypremium Epiq Buy 30 days premium account for character Epiq (must be online).
!points Show premium points.
!boost Boost 50% exp for 30 minutes. Price 60 premium points. Increases with each use within 1 day (between server saves). Cost: 60/100/150/250 premium points. After fourth boost, always 250 premium points. Boost continues to expire while logged out. Boost Expires at server save.
!boostleft Display how many minutes of boost you have left. Boost continues to expire while logged out. Boost Expires at server save.
!withdraw 100 Withdraw 100 premium points into slayn coins. BE CAREFUL!
!deposit 100 Deposit 100 slayn coins into your premium points. BE CAREFUL!
!days Show premium days remaining.
!buyhouse buy house you are looking at the front door of. This will wipe the house items!!
!sellhouse sell the house you are looking at the front door of. This will wipe the house items!!
!leavehouse leave the house you're looking at the front door of. This will wipe the house items!!
!changesex change your sex
!uptime show server uptime
!serverinfo show server rates (always 1x)
!online show players online
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

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